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8 assets
Failure to use AI and data effectively........ Video

Failure to use AI and data effectively........ Video

ID: 86499 | Film & motion | Artificial Intelligence | English (American) | 17.07.2024

The clock is ticking. More than half of organizations say:  Failure to use AI and data effectively will lose their...

Avoid the Stopping Problem - Become a data-driven leader with secure and trusted data and AI VIDEO

Avoid the 'Stopping Problem' - Become a data-driven...

ID: 86496 | Film & motion | Artificial Intelligence | English (American) | 17.07.2024

Are you trapped by the 'Stopping Problem'? This theory is about the challenge of when to act. Whilst some are...

Unleash data, ignite change: Your guide to empowering Sustainability Transformation (SX) with Digital Shifts

Unleash data...

ID: 86203 | eBook | Artificial Intelligence | English (American) | 29.04.2024

The world faces an unprecedented combination of challenges – from climate change and war to economic fragility and...

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - borderless office

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - borderless office

ID: 78116 | Brochure | Digital Workplace | 06.05.2022

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - Culture change

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - Culture change

ID: 78115 | Brochure | Transformation | 06.05.2022

DIS_brochure_Work life shift

DIS_brochure_Work life shift

ID: 78113 | Brochure | Transformation | 06.05.2022

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - smart working

DIS_brochure_Work life shift - smart working

ID: 78112 | Brochure | Digital Workplace | 06.05.2022

Digital Shifts Intro Video

Digital Shifts Intro Video

ID: 75362 | Film & motion | Cloud | 26.10.2021
