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Asset Type

  • Brochure4
  • eBook1
  • Film & motion3

Geographic scope

  • Global8

Business Topics

  • Artificial Intelligence3
  • Big Data3
  • Blockchain1
  • Cloud1
  • Data Center Systems1
  • Digital Business Solutions4
  • Digital Workplace3
  • Digital6
  • Sustainability4
  • Transformation5
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Industry Sector

  • Automotive3
  • Education3
  • Energy and Utilities3
  • Financial Services3
  • Food and Beverage3
  • Healthcare3
  • IT3
  • Life Sciences3
  • Logistics3
  • Manufacturing3
  • Media3
  • Others3
  • Public Sector3
  • Retail3
  • Telecommunications3
  • Transport3
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  • English (American)3
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8 assets