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  • Case Study1
  • eBook3
  • Email Template2
  • Film & motion6
  • Flyer1
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  • Social Media Posts4
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Geographic scope

  • CEE1
  • Global23
  • UK & I1

Business Topics

  • Application Transformation5
  • Automation1
  • CCD - Client Computing Devices1
  • Cloud5
  • Digital1
  • Enterprise Application7
  • Hybrid IT2
  • Multi Cloud4
  • SAP19
  • Security2
  • Service Providers1
  • Services & Solutions1
  • Sustainability1
  • Transformation2
  • ServiceNow1
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Industry Sector

  • Energy and Utilities1
  • Food and Beverage1
  • Public Sector1


  • English (American)10
  • English (English)2
  • German1

Technology Partners

  • SAP5
  • ServiceNow1

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25 Assets
25 Assets
Title ID:
Type Status
87056 Case Study Active
86572 eBook Active
86519 Social Media Posts Active
86514 Presentation Active
86511 Infographic Active
86509 Brochure Active
86507 eBook Active
81431 Advertisement Active
81351 Social Media Posts Active
81346 Social Media Posts Active
81345 Social Media Posts Active
81298 Film & motion Active
81297 Film & motion Active
81296 Film & motion Active
81295 Film & motion Active
81013 Market Research / Report Active
77543 eBook Active
77542 Brochure Active
77541 Brochure Active
77540 Brochure Active
76581 Email Template Active
76580 Email Template Active
76211 Flyer Active
76101 Film & motion Active
75372 Film & motion Active