The world faces an unprecedented combination of challenges – from climate change and war to economic fragility and...
The world faces an unprecedented combination of challenges – from climate change and war to economic fragility and social issues, a different approach is now required. And this means leveraging digital solutions to encourage a new era of Sustainability Transformation (SX).
Presentation slides with an overview of PRIMERGY portfolio for FY2024. The related Visio Shapes can be downloaded as...
Presentation slides with an overview of PRIMERGY portfolio for FY2024. The related Visio Shapes can be downloaded as alternative files as zip file
Even if you have already made some significant SAP decisions...
Even if you have already made some significant SAP decisions, there are important choices still to be made. Let us help you unlock those dilemmas. There are two possible SAP modernization approaches. Do you know which one you’re on, and what it means for your business? The clean core is becoming the norm when migrating to SAP S/4HANA, but which path will you take to get there? Success in migrating to SAP S/4HANA on Azure hinges on navigating the numerous choices and making timely decisions.
Investment in a range of technological systems, from foundational platforms to generative AI and other innovations...
Investment in a range of technological systems, from foundational platforms to generative AI and other innovations, is growing rapidly which leads to new levels of personalized, valuable, and immediate experiences and pushes customer expectations to new heights. These expectations aren’t just impacting the private sector – it’s creating challenges for the public sector too. Public sector organizations need to ensure they are thinking about delivering the types of experiences people expect. If they’re successful, they will reap the benefits of reduced costs, faster service provision, increased agility, improved security, and increased citizen engagement and wellbeing. Fujitsu has been supporting major public organizations around the world, creating innovative solutions to meet modern citizen expectations and delivering better engagement through secure and reliable experiences.
How blockchain provides confidence in ESG reporting to accelerate sustainability transformation. Organizations are...
How blockchain provides confidence in ESG reporting to accelerate sustainability transformation. Organizations are now beginning to see how ESG is a strategic imperative that can deliver real business impact.